Coed Softball Tournament Rules

Softball Tournament Rules – Coed

Niagara Rec Sports Softball Tournament

Niagara Rec Sports Softball will be governed by SPO rules with the exception of the NRS league specific rules below.

All players and team captains are responsible to read the rules before playing in the league.

Metal Spikes/ Cleats

  • Metal spikes are not allowed at all.
  • Players who wear metal spikes will be removed from the game until they come back with non metal cleats.
  • Repeat offenders will be removed from the tournament.


  • We will be using Hot Dot Classic Plus balls for all of our leagues.
  • 1 new and 1 slightly used (back up ball) ball will be supplied by the tournament at the start of every tournament game.
    Any balls hit out of play that can not be found will be replaced by the team who hit the ball out of play from their own supply.
  • The team that hits an out of the park home or a foul ball run must immediately supply the umpire with another ball until the ball is retrieved by the team who hit the ball.


  • All bats must be USSSA certified and have the USSSA 1.20 BPF thumbprint on the taper of the bat.  If you are buying a new bat make sure it has the USSSA 1.20 BPF thumbprint
  • Any other bats will not be permitted.
  • If a player steps into the batters box with an illegal bat the opposing team must notify the umpire at that time.  The umpire will inspect the bat and if ti is deemed illegal the batter will receive an out.  Repeat offenders will be ejected from the game and receive further suspensions.
  • All composite bats must have the USSSA thump print.


Illegal bat List

Below are a few examples of bats deemed Illegal in North America

  • Miken Ultra (Grey)
  • Miken Ultra II (Black)
  • Miken Ultra
  • Easton Synergy (Black / grey)
  • Easton synergy II (Black/ Grey)
  • Any Eastern that does NOT have the USSSA thumb print.


  • It is strongly recommended that no jewelry of any type be worn in any play.
  • If worn, each player is solely responsible for any injury/damage that may be caused by this jewelry.
  • The umpire may have any player remove any jewelry or equipment that he deems dangerous.


  • We play rain or shine (unless the park is closed by the Regency or the umpires call the game at the parks), hot or cold, dress appropriately and be ready to play.
  • If it has been raining all day and the diamond’s are in an unplayable state we will first post something at the top of the main page and the schedules page on this website.
  • If we are at a computer we will also send email notification’s to everyone registered in the league.  This may not always be a possibility so check the website first, if there is nothing on the website assume the game is on.
  • If it is after the first scheduled game time and it starts raining or lightening it will be the umpires discretion if the game will continue to play or not.  The same goes for subsequent games scheduled for that evening.
  • If a game is called after it has started due to weather a game shall be considered complete if 4 innings or 60 minutes have been played.

Team Captains are expected to inspect the field and inform the umpire of any unsafe conditions. If any player feels the conditions are not safe to play they are free to stop playing.


  • Fielding:
  • 10 Players on the field
  • 6 Males max on the field
  • No max for female players on the field.
  • 8 players min are needed to play, 3 of whom have to be female ( still no more than 6 males max on the field). (see short handed rule below)
  • If a team is playing short with 3 females and all 3 females are on the bases and a female comes up in the batting order, an out will be recorded.  When/ If one of the female runners takes an out or scores a run (while the other 2 are still on a base) she may take the next female batting spot.
  • A female can be catcher only if she is the 5th female on the field.
  • Forfeits due to insufficient players (see short handed rule below)
  • The opposing team can choose to still play the game and even give the opposing team players, this will still be considered an official NRS Game and the result of the score will count. (see short handed rule below)

Short Handed Rule:

  • If a team is short handed they are given 15min minutes form the start of the scheduled game time to wait for enough players to show up.
  • If one team is ready to play and the opposing team is not after 5 minutes 2 runs will be awarded to the team that is ready to play.  If after 10 minutes has passed and the opposing team is not ready another 3 runs will be awarded to the team that is ready to play. If 15 minutes has passed the game will be a forfeit win for the team that is ready to play.
  • The game clock will still start at the scheduled game time even if the team is waiting for the player to arrive.
  • The amount of time it takes for each team to get the min number of players to field a team will be deducted from the 65min game time.
  • If the player(s) does not arrive it will be considered a forfeit.  Teams also have the option to agreeing to the below rules.
  • Teams can also give the opposing team players (male or female) if they are short
  • All of the above must be decided before the game begins as the game will count and is official
  • A player may be added any time before the end of the game,
  • If the team that is short ends up with enough players (10 total, 6 male 4 females) during the game to field the team, the players that were lent to the team by the opposing team may go back to their original team if they decide to do so (if any) .
  • If one team does not meet the minimum requirements to play and the opposing team does not wish to allow them to play short, or does not wish to lend them players that team will take a 6-0 loss.

Playing Field

  • Bases are 65 feet apart.
  • Pitching distance is 50 – 60 feet.
  • Batter’s box is 7 feet by 3 feet
  • Double base shall be used at first base.
  • Coaches’ Box is 15 feet by 5 feet and 12 feet back from the foul line.
  • Strike Mat / Home Plate: A 2 feet by 3 feet mat.
  • A safe line at home plate and a commitment line 21 feet from home plate shall be used.


  • Pitching masks are recommended but not mandatory
  • Gloves may be worn by any player.
  • Trappers may be worn by any player.
  • Batting gloves may be warn by players batting.
  • Shoes may not have metal cleats.
  • Caps, if worn, must face forward.
  • Bats:  Must have the  usssa thumbprint and not be on the banned bat list.
  • Balls: Hot Dot Classic Plus balls for all of our leagues.
  • Helmets: Approved helmets may be worn by any player if they choose.

Starting The Game

  • For the round robin there will be a coin toss to determine who get to choose if they want to be home team or visiting team.
  • Playoffs: The higher ranking team will be given home field advantage.


  • A game consists of seven innings or 1 hour and 15 minutes, whichever comes first.  No inning can start after 65min has passed from the schedule game start time.
  • Game time starts right at the scheduled game time regardless if teams are on the field ready to play or not.  We urge all players/ teams to show up to the park early, get your batting order set before your scheduled game time so you are ready to go for your scheduled game time.
  • If the game is called due weather, the score at the last completed inning will be the final score provided 4 complete innings (three and one half innings if the second batting team is leading) have been played.
  • The umpire will call last inning at the 65min mark if the game is not already in the last inning.
  • Final Inning – If the home team (batting last) has the lead going into the bottom of the final inning they do not bat in that final inning as they have already won the game.
  • If the home team scores a run to take the lead in the final inning the game is over as they have won the game. No additional runs count and no more at bats are needed.


  • There can not be a tie in the playoffs.
  • If there is a tie after time expires or 7 innings are complete one additional inning will be played with a runner on 2nd base and each at bat has one strike and one ball for the pitch count.  If still tied additional innings will be played until one team wins.
  • Based on the round robin standings the higher seeded team will have the decision to take the field or bat first throughout the playoffs. (not a coin toss)

Mercy Rule

  • A maximum of 6 runs per inning may be scored, except for the last inning where there is no maximum.
  • A team shall be declared winner if they are 12 or more runs ahead of the opposition after 5 or 6 innings in they are the visiting team or after 4 and one half, five and one half or 6 and one half if they are the home team.  (the losing will have a at least 5 at bats.  If at any time after 5 at bats any team is down by 12 or more runs the game is a mercy and declared over)

Forfeits & Player Ejections

  • Any player ejected from a game will be removed from the tournament.
    Ejections will result in suspensions from NRS league play as well.
  • A game shall be declared a forfeit if a team fails to field the required number of players prior to or during the game, refuses to continue the game after a suspension of play, intentionally tries to delay or hasten the game, or intentionally violates a rule of the game after being warned by the umpire. (see short handed rule for exceptions)
  • A forfeit shall be declared if a player, ejected from the game by an umpire, does not leave the park when directed to do so.
  • A forfeit shall be declared if an ejected player/ team does not give their name to the umpire immediately after and ejection, or if the umpire asks a players name at any time and the player/ team refuses to give  their name to the umpire.
  • When a player is ejected and must leave the ball park, that player must move far enough away so that they may not be seen or heard by the participants of the game and may not participate with the game in any manner.
  • An ejected player has 2 minutes to leave the park, if they fail to do so the game will be a forfeit.
    If the ejected player does not leave the park in 2 minutes or continues to talk to the referee or other team one additional game will be added to the suspension.
  • An ejected player shall not say another word to the opposing team/ umpire after they are ejected or the game will be a forfeit.
  • The team must give the umpire the ejected players name or the game will be a forfeit.  If the team gives a fake name, or a name other than that of the ejected player the team captain will also have a 1 game suspension and a $20.00 fine.
  • If a team refuses to give the name of the ejected player they can not play another game until the name is given.
  • If a forfeit takes place the other team will be awarded the greater of a 7-0 win, or keep the current game score (if a partial game has been played) which ever is greater.


  • Any team member openly using profanity during a game shall be ejected from further participation in that game at the umpires discretion.


  • A run is scored when a player safely touches, in order first base, second base, third base and crosses behind home plate.
  • A runner may not score ahead of a preceding runner who has not been retired.
  • A run may not score if the last out of an inning is a force out or a preceding runner declared out.
  • The score of a forfeited game shall be 6-0 in favor of the team not at fault.

Score keeping

  • Both teams must have score keepers.
  • Both teams must coordinate with the opposing team’s score keeper after each at bat to ensure both teams have the proper score and eliminate any arguments regarding the score.
  • After each at bat is over the outfield team is to confirm with the team that was just at bat how many runs were scored during that at bat.
  • If any team fails to communicate the score with the opposing team when they ask they will forfeit the game.

 Home Run Rule

  • Match plus 1 rule will be in effect.
  • If your team hits an out of the park home run they cannot hit another home run until the opposing team hits a home run.  After which both teams are permitted to hit 1 more home run.  This can continue throughout the entire game.
  • If you team hits any additional home runs before the opposing team hits a home run it will be considered an out.
  • A batter hitting a ball over the fence in a game in excess of the limit shall be ruled out.
  • Any ball touched by a defensive player which then goes over the fence in fair territory shall be a four base award and not considered a home run (as it pertains to the home run rule).
  • If a batter is ruled out because of the excessive home run rule, the ball is dead, no runs may score and all runners must return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch.
  • The batter who hit the ball will touch first base and NOT run the bases taking a “walk off”.
  • In the park home runs are not part of the home run rule.  Teams can hit as many in the park home runs as they are able to.


  • Teams pitch to the opposing team
    Before each pitch, the pitcher must stand with one foot (pivot) within the pitcher’s box, facing the batter with the ball held in one hand. The pitcher must wait until the batter is in the batter’s box to pitch the ball.
  • A step may be taken in any direction simultaneous with the release of the pitch provided the pivot foot remains in contact with the box until the pitch is released.
  • The pitch shall be delivered with an underhand motion, go 6 to 12 feet in height and land on the 2 by 3 foot mat.
  • If a pitch is not between 6 to 12 feet in height the umpire will call an illegal pitch and it will count as a ball if the batter does not swing.

Defensive line – 175 line

  • A defensive line/ 175 line consisting of an arc shall be used where no outfielder is allowed in front of the line until the ball is hit.
  • If this is violated the offense has the option of taking the result of the play or an award of one base to the batter and all runners.
  • Since we are not actually given a defensive line at our fields the this is the umpires discretion.  If the umpire tells an outfielder to take a few steps back the outfielder must do so.


  • A Male, female, Male, Female batting order must be used.
  • The batting order must be set before the game begins & all teams must have a proper batting order.
  • Everyone on the team must bat in order (no sitting batters)
  • The scorekeeper from the opposing team may request to see your batting order at any time during the game, if they ask you must show them your batting order.
  • Teams must share their batting order or they will forfeit the game.
  • The batting order consists of a minimum of 8 players (minimum 3 females).
  • If a player comes late in the first inning they cannot be placed above anyone that has already been at bat and they must be placed at the bottom of the batting order in a way that the male, female, male, female batting order is still in place.
  • If a player comes late after the first inning they must be placed at the bottom of the batting order.
  • Only batters necessary to meet the above rules are allowed to be moved, the entire batting order is not allowed to be changed.
  • If a team is caught violating the male, female, male, female the team will receive an automatic out for that batter.
  • If a team is caught violating the above by putting more than 1 male up to bat consecutively the team will receive an automatic out for that batter if the out of turn batter completes the at-bat (see below).
  • Any batter batting out of order will be called out after the at-bat has been completed, before a pitch is thrown to the following batter.  Once a pitch is thrown to the following batter no out will be called.
    If a pitch has been thrown to the following batter but the team(s) notice the out of order batter and it is a male/ female violation and the batter is still on base this will be corrected by having a female take the runners spot if it is supposed to be a female on base and a male take the runners spot if it is supposed to be a male.
  • If a player or team notices the player taking the at-bat is out of turn during the at-bat the proper batter will replace the out of turn batter and assume the count.
  • If the player batting out of turn has a hit that results in an out(s) the result of the hit stands (the player(s) are out) AND an out is given for the batter out of turn.
  • If a player leaves for any reason before the game is complete that person is simply skipped in the batting order and it is not considered an out.  The batting order must  be adjusted accordingly.
  • If teams have enough male & female players to make a consecutive order they can do so, or they have the option of using a male & Female batting order as outlined below.
  • If a team is playing short with 3 females and all 3 females are on the bases and a female comes up in the batting order, an out will be recorded.  When/ If one of the female runners takes an out or scores a run (while the other 2 are still on a base) she may take the next female batting spot.
  • A Male and Female batting order can be made and must be followed as outlined below:

Males           Females
Male 1          Female 1
Male 2          Female 2
Male 3          Female 3
Male 4          Female 4
Male 5
Male 6
Male 7
Male 8
Male 9
Male 10

The males must follow the male order and females follow the female order.  No batter can bat out of turn and EVERYONE must bat.

The batting order would then look like this
Male 1
Female 1
Male 2
Female 2
Male 3
Female 3
Male 4
Female 4
Male 5
Female 1
Male 6
Female 2

And so on.

At no time can any male or female batter bat out of turn in their respective order.

Base Running

  • There is no stealing
  • There are no lead-offs
  • Sliding is permitted.
  • Safety base is used at first and safe line is used at home plate.
  • Players do not touch home plate at any time, just cross the safe line to score.
  • If a player steps on home plate at any time they are out (batting or running the bases).
  • If a player steps over the commitment line, they must continue home.  Players can step on the line but if the whole foot (or any other part of their body) is over the line they must continue home.
  • No tagging between the commitment line and home plate.
  • A batter may not throw their bat. If they throw their bat, the batter is out.
  • Do not touch home players at any time, if a player steps on home plate they will be out.  Players running home only have to cross the safety line.
  • After the batter has made contact with the ball a batter is NOT out if they touch home plate on the way to first base.  If a batter touches the mat while making contact with the ball (fair or foul) they are out.
  • If a batter hits a foul ball and the ball is caught, then the batter is out.
    The runners may advance after the ball is caught as long as they tag up before advancing.

Infield Fly Rule

  • A batter is out if they hit an infield fly with less than two out and runners on first and second or first, second and third.

Extra Players:

  • Additional players, up to the number of players on the team’s legal roster may be used. If more than 10 players are on the batting order, any 10 (minimum 3 females) may play defense.


  • There are 10 players on the field at one time.
  • If teams are short players they need a minimum of 8 players 3 of whom has to be Female.
  • There is a maximum of 6 Males on the field at all times.
  • There is a minimum of 3 female on the field at all times.
  • There is no maximum of female players.
  • If there are only 3 or 4 female players on the field they cannot play catcher.
  • If there are five females playing the field, a female may play catcher.
  • Fielders may not block the base path.
  • Once the runner has crossed the commitment line the runner can only get out when the catcher has the ball and has a foot on the mat.
  • There is no tag allowed at home plate.


  • A walk is awarded when a batter has received 4 balls before 3 strikes or a hit. Each batter who receives a walk is awarded first base.  At no time does the walked batter advance to 2nd base regardless of sex.

Man Rule / Courtesy Runners

  • Each team is permitted a maximum of three courtesy runners per game and may use anyone present who is on their league roster.  Must be male for a male, female for a female.
  • Teams are also permitted to have one player who gets a free runner every time they are on base that is not counted against the three courtesy runners. This rule shall be known as the “Man Rule”. This player is to be identified the first time a runner is used for him/her.
  • The runner must be a female sub for a female and a male sub for a male.
  • A batter must make it to first base on their own in order to have a courtesy runner run for him/ her (after the at bat is over and the runner is safe at first).

Team Members

  • Only registered players are eligible to play for your team.
  • All players must be registered with NRS and NRSPA in order to be eligible to play in the tournament.
  • Team captains are responsible to ensure all team members (including themselves) are registered and eligible to play.
  • Any team that has unregistered players playing for their team will take an automatic loss.  If they already lost the current game they will take an automatic loss in their next game.  This goes for regular season and playoff games.
  • If teams are short they can borrow players from another team ONLY if the opposing team captain agrees to it BEFORE the game begins.  Borrowed players must be registered with another team in the NRS league.  Outside players are not allowed and must fully register with the team before playing.

Process for challenging player eligibility

  • Play does not stop during this process until the player has been deemed illegal.
  • All players must carry some form of picture ID and be ready to show the referee or the opposing team captain if asked.
  • The team captain of the team challenging the eligibility of an opposing team’s player(s) must pull up the team rosters on the phone and approach the opposing team’s bench and speak to the team captain regarding the player in question with the roster.
    If the team captain refuses to do so the team will get an automatic loss and the player in question will be removed from the field immediately.
  • The team captain (of the team in question) must verify the player in question is in fact on the roster and ID must be shown by the player to verify they are in fact the person listed on the roster on the website.
  • If the player is found not to be on the team roster and/ or does not show ID to prove they are who they say they are, notify the umpire and they will be removed from the game and the offending team will take a loss for that game.
  • Teams have until the beginning of their game to register players.  All registrations are time stamped in our back end.
  • This process can take place until 5 minutes after the game is complete.

Overall Standings Tie Breakers

  • If there is a tie in the round robin standings based on points the following will be used as a tie breaker.
  • Total Most Points (3 points for a win, 1 for a tie)
  • Head to Head (if applicable)
  • Plus minus
  • Least Runs Against
  • Most Runs For
  • If everything is equal a coin toss

Code of conduct

  • Understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the game.
  • Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials and NRS staff.
  • Respect your opponent and congratulate them in a courteous manner following each match whether in victory or defeat.
  • Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control.
    Refrain from using foul or abusive language.
  • Any players/ team deemed in violation of the code of conduct can be removed from the league.
  • Have fun!

Injuries / ejections during game play

  • Team captains are responsible for bringing a first aid kit to every game.
  • An injured player that is not able to continue playing does not mean an automatic out when that player comes up on the batting order.  The next player in the batting order will be up to bat, the batting order must be re-arranged in a way that no more than 2 males are batting back to back.
  • An ejected player that is ejected form the game must immediately leave the park and not return for the remainder of the game.
  • There will not be an out when that player comes up on the batting order.  The next player in the batting order will be up to bat.  the batting order must be re-arranged in a way that no more than 2 males are batting back to back.
  • Ejected players will receive an automatic 1 game suspension (potentially longer depending on the reason for ejection).
  • In order for a player who has been suspended to be reinstated into the league a fine must be paid. Fines will be progressive for each suspension, and will double each consecutive time with a min of $20.00 for first offense based on the reason for the suspension.
  • If the injured or ejected player leaves the team with less than 10 players the teams may borrow a player from other teams as long as the opposing team agrees to it.  If the opposing team does not agree the team will have to play short.
  • Team captain’s are responsible to bring their own first aid kit’s to each game.

No Alcohol Consumption On The Bench
Please be reminded there is to be no alcohol (or any substance that may impede your ability to play safely) consumption while playing softball.  This includes drinking out of red solo cups or hiding alcohol in any container.  Drinking alcohol on the bench will result in the team forfeit of the game.  If the Umpire smells alcohol on a player they can be removed from the game.  Please respect this.

There is a zero tolerance for violence and aggression or racism.  It will be up to the umpire to make the call and give the consequences for the game night (ejection from the game).  It will be up to the head umpire and Niagara Rec Sports as to consequences given after the game regarding suspension from future games or potentially the entire league for the remainder of the season.  Any physical violence, rough play or verbal abuse of an umpire/ league official/ player the player will be suspended indefinitely, removed form the tournament.  Suspensions will carry over to all NRS leagues. Racism, physical violence and abuse towards an umpire/ league official/ player will result in removal from the league.

Any player who communicates with opposing teams/ players, umpires, NRS staff in a disrespectful manner, with disparaging remarks will be removed from the league and will not be permitted to play any future games or seasons.  This included all forms of communication but not limited to in person, email, text, phone.

Niagara Rec Sports reserves the right to remove or disallow any player from the league at any time throughout the year.  No refunds will be given if/ when players are removed from the league.

Niagara Rec Sports reserves the right to add, alter, remove rules either verbally or on any rules page at any time as we deem fit, any rule changes will be effective immediately.  Rules discussed at the team captains meeting are to be considered part of the league rules.

For other league rules visit this page.

Don’t forget to have fun!!