Indoor Soccer Rules

Indoor Soccer Rules – Niagara Rec Sports

Niagara Rec Sports Coed Indoor Soccer Rules

All team captains and players are responsible to read all rules before playing in the league.

General Rules:

  • Shin pads MUST be worn by all players on the field, no exceptions.  If a player is on the field with no shin pads they will be sent off and can not return until shin pads and socks covering them are on.  Arguing about this rule can result in a player being sent home.  Repeat offenders will be given 5-10min penalties.
  • Duration of the games will be 43 minutes (straight time); teams will be given a two minute warm up.
  • After the previous game is over the referee will put 45min on the clock when the clock reached 43min the game will begin, the clock will not stop so be organized and ready to play before the previous game is over.
    If one team is ready to play and the other team is not, a goal will be awarded against the team that is not ready after each 5min interval that has elapsed.
  • There is NO OFFSIDE in indoor soccer!!
  • No slide tackling by outfield players, Goalkeepers are not permitted to slide tackle outside of their penalty area.  A free kick will be awarded to the opposing team and potentially a foul awarded to the sliding player (at the referees discretion)
  • Players can slide to stop a goal, to stop a ball from going out of bounds, to score a goal, a long as there is no other player in the vicinity of the player sliding.  If any other player is in the vicinity of the sliding player it will be deemed a slide tackle.  This call is 100% up to the referees discretion and not up for debate.
  • Cleats can be warn as long as they do not have metal studs.

Slide Tackles in the box will result in a penalty shot if the slide is a foul, otherwise it is a free kick.


  • Only registered players can play, all players must fill out a the online team member registration form and sign the waiver at that time before they can step on the field.
  • A player can only be registered for one team in their respective division.
  • Any player not registered and/ or has not signed the waiver is illegal and if playing their team will take an automatic loss for that game.
  • Teams will consist of 5 outfield players and a goalkeeper (6 vs 6)
  • The outfield players are typically made up of three men and two women
  • The goalkeeper can be either male or female; the gender of the goalkeeper will not affect the make-up of the outfield players.
  • Teams must have a minimum of 3 outfield players on the field one of whom has to be a female.
  • Maximum of 3 Male outfield players on the field at one time
  • Minimum of 1 Female outfield player must be on the field at all times or they will forfeit
  • Teams can have up to 5 Female outfield players on the field at one time
  • Goalie can be Male or Female and does NOT count as a player on the field for the above qualifications.
    Pulling the goalie
    – Any player can play the goalie position but there must always be a designated goalie wearing a different colour jersey/ shirt (different from their team and the opposing team) to indicate they are in fact the goalie.  The goalie is permitted to play anywhere on the field but only when in their own goalie box are they granted goalie privileges (ie using their hands to play the ball).
    – If a team wishes to “pull the goalie” there must still be one player wearing a different colour shirt signifying they are playing the goal position at all times.
    – Substitutions of the goalie can be made on the fly or if there is a stoppage of play.  Goalie Substitutions can be made from either the sideline or at the teams goal area.
  • If during a game one of the teams fails to meet the minimum player requirement, the game will be stopped by the referee. The league will award the opposing team 3 points for a win, the winning team will be awarded a minimum of 3 goals (if more goals were scored during the game that number of goals will stand).

Too Many Players on the field:

  • If a team has more than the allowed players on the field they will receive a 2 minute penalty with the offending extra player in the penalty box (the team will play short), a male in the box if it was an extra male on their field and a female in the box if it was an extra female).  If a goal is scored by the opposing team the penalty is considered served.  If a team has too many players on the field for a 2nd time a they will receive a 5 minute penalty.


  • Teams must wear the same coloured and numbered uniform, shin pads must be worn. Teams are asked to bring a home and away set of jerseys.
  • If teams are short they can borrow players from another team ONLY if the opposing team captain agrees to it BEFORE the game begins.  Borrowed players must be registered with another team in the NRS league.  Outside players are not allowed and must fully register with the team before playing
  • The facility will adhere to the playing rules of FIFA if not covered in this document.


  • Please check each week to ensure you are not wearing the same colour of the opposing team.
  • Each team is to have a set of alternate shirts with them at all times.
  • The alternate shirts don’t have to have numbers on them but your regular set does.
  • If you are playing a team with the same or similar colour as you make sure you have the alternate shirts as one team must switch.
  • If neither team wants to change, the first team listed on the schedule will have to change shirts to an alternate colour.
  • If that team does not want to change they will automatically loose the game 0 – 2.
  • Shirts must be warn at all times by all players on the field.
  • Colours that are close such as Navy Blue and Black the referee may make one team change as they are too similar, this will be the referees decision.


General Rules for Substitutions:

  • Substitutions are ongoing (on the fly), the only time play will stop for a substitution will be on a Goalkeeper change.
  • The player substituting on the field and the player substituting off the field must both be within 3-5′ of the center line (and at the side line by their bench)
  • They must be close enough to touch each other upon making the substitution.  This ensures the player entering the field and leaving the field are in the same spot on the field and when the substitution takes place.  This ensures no advantage is given to the team making the change.
  • Penalties can be given for players not following this rule.

General Rules for Time Clock:

  • Games are 43min in duration.
  • At the end of the game 45min will be put on the clock, time will continue counting the game will start at 43min, time will not stop.
  • If one team is ready and the other team is not, 1 goal will be awarded against the team that is not ready after each 5min interval. After 10 minutes, the team forfeits and the team that is ready receives a 2-0 win.

    Please keep in mind that this is a coed Soccer league, we all have to work the next day.  Play safe and fair.
  • We are on a very tight time schedule, if a player is injured on the field please try and make your way off the field as quickly as possible so play can resume (time will not stop).
  • To keep things fair if a player is injured on the field and unable to make their way off the field a goal will be awarded to the the opposing team every 4min.
  • If the game is not able to be completed due to an injury a 2-0 win will be given to the opposing team.
  • This is to prevent teams from taking advantage of this rule and holding onto a lead.
  • Games may be shortened by the referee for the following reasons; serious injury, a team or both teams are not ready to start at their scheduled time or any other unforeseen event.

General Rules for Slide Tackling:

  • No slide tackling by outfield players, Goalkeepers are not permitted to slide  outside of their penalty area.
  • It will be referees discretion if they deem the slide was a slide tackle, often if a player slides with people around them (in traffic) it will be deemed a slide tackle.
  • Lunges can be deemed a slide tackle.
  • If there is no one around players can slide to save a goal, or stop a ball from going out, but if you slide in any situation it may be deemed a slide tackle so be aware of this.  It is best to stay on your feet at all times.
  • Goalkeepers are allowed to slide for the ball if they have the ball inside of their penalty area as long as they do not go in feet first or with an intent to injure.
  • Goal Keepers can not slide aggressively into players or it will be called a foul and if in the box a penalty shot will be called.

General Rules at Restarts:

  • When the play is starting from the initial kick off or after a goal is scored, all players must be on their own side of the field, and play will restart on the referees whistle.
  • All other restarts must be taken within 6 seconds unless informed by the referee to wait for his whistle, failure to do so will result in loss of possession.
  • Time wasting will result in a two minute penalty and a yellow card.
  • All opposing players must remain 3 yards from the ball at corner kicks, kick-ins and free kicks. (Players must ask for the 3 yards if they want it)
  • All free kicks are indirect
  • No goals can be scored directly from a kick off, free kick, goal kick or kick-in.
  • Goals can be scored from a corner kick.

Free Kicks

All free kicks are indirect, players may ask for 3 yards but can take the kick right away if they choose to.

Non Players / Spectators

  • Only players will be permitted on the players bench side of the field.  All non players  (parents and fans) watching the game MUST be on the opposite side where the bleachers are.
  • If any non player steps on the field of play during the game especially in an aggressive or argumentative manner the non player and the player they are there to watch will be removed form the game.   The player may also face further suspension and the non player will be banned from the facility for the remainder for the season.
  • NRS reserves the right to define a “player” or “non player” in any manner we seem fit.  If a non player is  decided to be a non player (regardless of past playing time/ duration) the non player/ spectator rules will be applied immediately.  If the non player does not leave the bench area/ player side of the field immediately the team will forfeit the game.

Rules for Fouls and Misconduct

  • Any physical altercations = immediate ejection from the game and most likely the league.
  • Teams may receive penalties during the game at the referee’s discretion.
  • Penalties will be either two or five minutes depending on the severity of the offense.
  • All referees will carry 2 discipline cards; yellow and red.
  • Depending on the severity of the foul or misconduct the referee will decide the severity of the penalty.
  • A player receiving a second yellow card will be ejected from the remainder of the game and must leave the field of play.
  • The player’s team must put another player from the playing roster into the penalty box and serve a full five minute penalty.
  • A red card will result in a sending off, the player must leave the facility immediately.
  • An ejected player must leave the park entirely within 1.5 minutes of being ejected and not say another word to the referee or opposing team.  Do not change on the bench, bring all your equipment to your car.  The ejected player must not continue to speak with the referee or opposing team or the game will be a forfeit.
    If the ejected player does not leave the park in 1.5 minutes or continues to talk to the referee or opposing team, additional games will be added to the suspension.
  • An ejected player can not return to the field at any time during or after the game or the game will be a forfeit and will result in longer suspension.
  • A forfeit shall be declared if a player/ team, does not give his/ her name to the referee immediately after being ejected.
  • Any player ejected from a game will be forced to sit out a min of one potentially more at the referee and convener’s discretion as well as pay a fine to the league.
  • In order for a player who has received a red card to be reinstated into the league a fine must be paid. Fines will be progressive for each suspension, and will double each consecutive time with a min of $20.00 for first offense based on the reason for the red card.
  • All players, coaches and team representatives ejected from play must leave the entire facility.
  • 2 and 5 minute penalties can be given with or without a yellow card at the referees discretion.
  • 3 Yellow cards during the season will result in a one game suspension.

Team Roster – Player Eligibility

  • A roster list can be found on the website under the regular season schedule.
  • If your name is not on the team roster you are not eligible to play in the league.
  • Team captains are responsible to ensure all team members (including themselves) are registered and eligible to play.  They must ensure all players are registered with NRS and name displayed on the website on their specific teams roster.
  • To be eligible to play in the league each player must
    1. Register online and complete all 3 steps (via a link given only to the team captain)
    2. Completely fill out, sign the waiver a part of the registration process.
    3. Final step is to pick your league and team.
    4. If completed correctly you will see the players name on the team roster.  If the player is not on the team roster they did not complete registration fully and will have to re-register.
  • Once players have completed the above they are added to the team roster on the team roster page and they are eligible to play in the league.
  • Anyone not on the team roster page is not eligible and playing illegally.
  • Teams caught playing with unregistered players. The player(s) will be removed form the field immediately and the team will automatically lose their current game and the next game on the schedule.  (The teams can still play this game minus the illegal player(s) but it will be a loss on the schedule.)
  • If teams are short at the game they can borrow players from another team ONLY if the opposing team captain agrees to it BEFORE the game begins.  Borrowed players must be registered with another team in the NRS league.  Outside players are not allowed and must fully register with the team before playing

Process for challenging player eligibility

  • Play does not stop during this process.
    All players must carry some form of picture ID and be ready to show the referee or the opposing team captain if asked.
  • The team captain of the team challenging the eligibility of an opposing team’s player(s) must pull up the team rosters on the phone and approach the opposing team’s bench and speak to the team captain regarding the player in question with the roster.
    If the team captain refuses to do so the team will get an automatic loss and the player in question will be removed from the field immediately.
  • The team captain (of the team in question) must verify the player in question is in fact on the roster and ID must be shown by the player to verify they are in fact the person listed on the roster on the website.  The referee is not involved in this process up until that point, he is refereeing the game.
  • If the player is found not to be on the team roster and/ or does not show ID to prove they are who they say they are, notify the referee and they will be removed from the game and the offending team will take a loss for that game.
  • Teams have until the beginning of their game to register players.  All registrations are time stamped in our back end.
  • This process can take place at any time until 5 minutes after the game is complete.


  • Please keep in mind that this is a coed Soccer league, we all have to work the next day.  Keep play safe and fair.
  • We are on a very tight time schedule, if a player is injured on the field please try and make your way off the field as quickly as possible so play can resume (time will not stop).
  • To keep things fair if a player is injured on the field and unable to make their way off the field a goal will be awarded to the the opposing team every 3min.
  • If the game is not able to be completed a 2-0 win will be given to the opposing team.
  • This is to prevent teams from taking advantage of this rule and holding onto a lead.

Team captains are responsible for bringing a first aid kit to each game.
Team captains are responsible to inspect the field and notify the referee of any unsafe condtion. If any player feels the conditions are not safe to play they are free to stop playing.

General Rules for Discipline:

  • Any player ejected from a game will be forced to sit out a min of one game potentially more at the referee and convener’s discretion.  A $20.00 fine will be paid to be reinstated in the league.

Forfeit Fine – Less than 24hrs notice

All teams must give min 24hrs notice if they are not able to field a team or they will be charged a $50.00 late notice forfeit fee.  The team will not receive any league points in the standings until the $50.00 fee is paid.  Points not received during this time will not be reinstated.  No team can play in the playoffs with an outstanding fine.  If you owe a fine at the time the playoff schedule is being made/ updated your game will not be scheduled.

If a team fails to pay the $50.00 fine within a week the league can look for another team to take their place.

  • The team must give the referee the ejected players name or the game will be a forfeit.  If the team gives a fake name, or a name other than that of the ejected player the team captain will also have a 1 game suspension and a $20.00 fine.
  • If a team refuses to give the name of the ejected player they can not play another game until the name is given.

This is to ensure we are able to give opposing teams and referees enough notice that your team will not be able to make it to the game.  No one likes going to a game only to find out the other team did not bother to show up.

This normally is not an issue as most teams respect each other enough to give proper notice, this fee is for those that don’t.

We are very lenient with this policy and as long as you have a few people show up and can form a team with other players playing before your game at the diamond, field and/ or court so the opposing team has a game to play your team will not be fined.

At the end of the season any money collected from the forfeit fine will be donated to a local charity such as project share.

  • If a team forfeit’s 3 times during the season they risk removal from the league.
  • If a team does not pay the fine within a week they risk removal from the league.
  • No points will be awarded to to the team in the standings until the fine has been paid.
  • A one week grace period may be implemented for teams to pay the fine.

Tie breakers in the regular standings are based on the following

  1. Total Most Points (3 points for a win, 1 for a tie)
  2. Plus minus
  3. Goals for
  4. Goals against
  5. Head to Head (if applicable)
  6. If everything is equal a coin toss.


If games are tied at the end of regulation time in the playoffs we will go right to penalty shots.

  • Best 3 out of 5.
  • Penalty shots will be male, female, male female (or female, male, female male).
  • No male shooter can shoot again until every male has taken 1 shot, including the goalie (if the goalie is male).
  • No female shooter can shoot again until every female has taken one shot including the goalie (if the goalie is female).
  • If teams are still tied after 5 shots are taken teams will take one shot each until one team scores and one team misses.

League finals
If game is tied we go directly into penalty shots.

Penalty Shots 

  • Best of 5 rounds will alternate Guy, Girl, until there is a winner.
  • If still tied after 5 rounds they will continue one round at a time until there is a winner.
  • Everyone (of their specific sex) must shoot on the team before starting the order over goalies included
  • This is the only time where goalies gender counts as a Male or Female and to follow the above penalty shot rules.
  • Players do not have to be on the field at the end of regulation time to take a penalty shot.
  • NRS will not tolerate physical altercations or racism of any kind under any circumstances.  Any player(s) involved in this behavior be banned from the league at the discretion of Niagara Rec Sports.
  • There is a zero tolerance for violence and aggression or racism.  It will be up to the referee to make the call at the game and give the consequences for the game night (ejection from the game, yellow card).  It will be up to Niagara Rec Sports as to consequences given after the game regarding suspension from future games or potentially the entire league for the remainder of the season.  Any physical violence towards another player, or verbal abuse of a referee the player will be suspended indefinitely until a decision has been made regarding the duration of the suspension and can result in removal form the league.  Racism, physical violence and abuse towards an referee will result in removal from the league.
  • Any player who communicates with opposing teams/ players, umpires, referees, NRS staff in a disrespectful manner, with disparaging remarks will be removed from the league and will not be permitted to play any future games or seasons.  This included all forms of communication but not limited to in person, email, text, phone.
  • Niagara Rec Sports reserves the right to remove or disallow any player from the league at any time throughout the year.  No refunds will be given if/ when players are removed from the league.
  • Ejected players must not take any further part in the game and must leave the park so they are not seen or heard by anyone on or around the field they were ejected from within 2 minutes of being ejected.  They can not change on the side line, they will grab their kit bag, leave the facility and get changed away from the field.  If they do not leave within 2 minutes the game is a forfeit loss for their team.  If they return the game is a forfeit loss for their team.
  • Any player who communicates with opposing teams/ players, referees, NRS staff in a disrespectful manner, with disparaging remarks will be removed from the league and will not be permitted to play any future games or seasons.  This included all forms of communication but not limited to in person, email, text, phone.Any team can be removed from the league a result of any single players conduct deemed not suitable to the family friendly atmosphere our leagues are known for.  This includes but is not limited to any ejection, yellow card, red card, verbal abuse towards an official/ player, any physical altercation including but not limited to grabbing, pushing, shoving, punching, choking.

    Niagara Rec Sports reserves the right to remove or disallow any player from the league at any time throughout the year.  No refunds will be given if/ when players are removed from the league.

    Niagara Rec Sports reserves the right to add, alter, remove rules either verbally or on any rules page at any time as we deem fit, any rule changes will be effective immediately.  Rules discussed at the team captains meeting are to be considered part of the league rules.


  • Sportsmanship is extremely important for NRS sports leagues, your first priority should be to come out, play a sport you love, have fun with friends and family.
  • Unsportsmanlike behavior leads to problems on and off the field which is something we do not want in our leagues.
  • Shaking hands – Shaking hands after the game, win or lose is good sportsmanship and what playing sports is all about.  While we can not force anyone to shake hands after the game we have implemented a rule that states the following to avoid any incident:
  • If a player gets in line to shake hands they must shake every players hand in the line.
  • Getting in line and deliberately avoiding shaking a players hand is extremely unsportsmanlike and is making a statement towards that player that can lead to an escalation or potential altercations.
  • As a result getting in line and not shaking (or fist bumping) every players hand is a cardible offence (potentially red card). 
  • We can not force anyone to shake (or fist bump) hands so if a player does not want to shake (or fist bump) every players hand they do not get in line to shake any players hand.

Code of conduct

  • Understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the game.
  • Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials and NRS staff.
  • Respect your opponent and congratulate them in a courteous manner following each match whether in victory or defeat.
  • Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control.
    Refrain from using foul or abusive language.
  • Any players/ team deemed in violation of the code of conduct can be removed from the league.
  • Have fun!

For other league rules visit this page.