Wednesday Evening Coed Beach Volleyball Team Registration

Wednesday Evening Coed Beach Volleyball Team Registration

2025 Wednesday Evening Coed Beach Volleyball registration

Shirt Colour Options
If you are ordering shirts please click the link below to see the various colour options for ordering shirts.  Please select a colour and put the exact colour when prompted on the registration form if you are ordering shirts.

Note: If you don’t give us an exact colour option such as Military Green and only enter “green” NRS will pick a shade for you.  This can not be changed once the registration is submitted.

Shirt Colour Options – click here

Spots are limited and on a first come first register (and pay) basis.


Team:  $825.00 + hst
League – Coed

NOTE: When you click the “submit” button, you will be re-directed to our Paypal/ credit card payment page.

To pay with Credit Card click “Don’t have a Paypal Account?” on the bottom right and you will be able to pay with your credit card.

Cancellation Policy
When you register and pay, a spot is held for you in the league and can not be taken by another Player. If a player wishes to cancel before the registration deadline a full refund minus a 35% administrative and processing fee will be applied if we can find another player to replace your spot on the team. If a team or individual cancels after the registration deadline no refund will be provided.